Friday, November 8, 2013

New Academic Year: 2013-2014

Faithful to its vocation forming of missionaries, who,  can each one day affirm  to be a missionary “from the bottom of my heart” like the our venerable Founder, the Servant of God, Bishop Marion de Bresillac, the International Spiritual Year (ISY), “Centre Bresillac” Calavi welcomed its 26th group of future missionaries on 1st October 2013.

Keeping its international and intercultural character, the 23 participants in this year’s ISY are from nine (09) countries of Africa. Special mention must be made to a participant from Burkina Faso. The Formation Team is made of four (09) SMA priests from France, Côte d’Ivoire, India and Nigeria.

Fr. Herve and a faithful in the USA
Fr. ABOU Yepie Hervé from Côte d’Ivoire is the new arrival in the team. He brings with him his gentleness and experiences from the Formation House in Sowotuom, Ghana; years of ministry in the USA and qualifications in spirituality. He has quickly settled into the life of the house.

The breakdown of the community is as follows:

1.      AGIDA  Awugo Augustine                                 DFBB                Nigeria
2.       AUGUSTINE Bitiong Jeremiah                         DFBB                Nigeria
3.      BONOU Mahutondji Charlemagne                   DFBB                Bénin
4.      CHIKONTWE Deotacious                                  DFGL                Zambia
5.      DAUDA Choji Isaac                                            DFBB                Nigeria
6.      GBOLOHOE Yao Mawuko Parfait                     DFGG                Togo
7.      GNIOU Laurent Yacoubou                                Strasbourg      Togo
8.      GUDDAH Paschal                                               DFGG                Ghana
9.      KALIMA Rodgers                                               DFGL                Zambia
10.  KONZAWO Hézouwé Séraphin                        DFGG                Togo
11.  LUNGIEKA Kepala Odomard                            DFGL                RDC
12.  MONGEZA Peter                                                DFGL                Zambia
13.  N’GUETTIA Thibaut Raoul                               DFGG                Côte d’Ivoire
14.  OCHAI  Zachariah                                              DFBB                Nigeria
15.  ODIMBA Jean Jacques                                       DFGL                RDC
16.  OFOSU Nimoh Edmund                                     DFGG                Ghana
17.  ONDWARI Josephat                                           DFGL                Kenya
18.  OUEDRAOGO Bruno Windpanga                     DFGG                Burkina Faso
19.  SALISU Sabo Yakubu                                         BFBB                Nigeria
20.  SENOU Schimea Emen Jacob                            DFGG                Togo
21.  SINDA Peddy                                                      DFGL                Zambia
22.  YAKUBU Andrew                                               DFGG                Ghana
23.  YASHIM Abel                                                      DFBB                Nigeria

1.      ABOU YEPIE Hervé                                            BFGG                RCI            (+229)65602828
2.      GARREAU Pierre                                                LYON                France      (+229)65177936
3.      LOURDUSAMY  Raja                                          IDF                   India         (+229)66641799
4.      SOYOYE Basil                                                      BBDF                Nigeria     (+229)65111364

The ambiance so far is quite fraternal with each one in the programme settling down to journey with God and the missionary spirit of the Founder, Fr. Augustine Planque and our ancestors who have passed this extraordinary rich missionary tradition of total commitment to the “most abandoned” to us. The same values that the ISY is committed to transmitting to all SMA candidates who are sent here by the Superiors and Councils of the various Units in the SMA.

There are some significant SMA events that will mark this year’s spiritual year program. They are:
v The Bight of Benin District in Formation’s Assembly from 11th -22nd November 2013; we are looking forward to hosting these great missionaries and leaders of the Society who will be sharing in the quiet atmosphere of “Calavi”. Particular mention most be made of Very Rev. Fachtna O’DRISCOLL, SMA, our Superior General. We are in joyful expectations of the message of hope that he will bring to us in the name of the SMA Family. We also look forward to seeing all the Unit Superiors, both District in Formation and Regions. We congratulate them on their various elections; thank the various emeritus who will also be present. To all, especially to Fr. John Dunne, our one time Superior, we welcome with a thousand “ mi kuabo”.
v On 23rd of November 2013, all roads from Cotonou, Lome and why not Lagos will lead to Calavi, for the closing ceremonies of the jubilee celebration of the establishment of Centre Bresillac by our Superior General. Together with all our supporters, we are going to pray at the blessing of the Grotto in memory of the bicentenary anniversary of the birth of our Founder. Following local tradition, both the “pagne” cloth and gallons of Holy Water indispensable for the occasion are ready.

With Faith, Hope and Charity, we have faith that this year will also bring lots of blessings.